sumty  0.1.0
Better sum types for C++
result< T, E > Class Template Reference

Type that contains an ok value, or an error. More...

#include <sumty/result.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for result< T, E >:
Collaboration diagram for result< T, E >:

Public Types

using value_type = ...
using reference = ...
using const_reference = ...
using rvalue_reference = ...
using const_rvalue_reference = ...
using pointer = ...
using const_pointer = ...
using error_type = ...
using error_reference = ...
using error_const_reference = ...
using error_rvalue_reference = ...
using error_const_rvalue_reference = ...
using error_pointer = ...
using error_const_pointer = ...
template<typename U >
using rebind = result< U, E >
template<typename V >
using rebind_error = result< T, V >
using unexpected_type = result< never, E >

Public Member Functions

constexpr result () CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Default constructor. More...
constexpr result (const result &) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Copy constructor. More...
constexpr result (result &&) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Move constructor. More...
template<typename... Args>
constexpr CONDITONALLY_EXPLICIT result ([[maybe_unused]] std::in_place_t inplace, Args &&... args)
 Emplacement constructor. More...
template<typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr result ([[maybe_unused]] std::in_place_t inplace, std::initializer_list< U > init, Args &&... args)
 Emplacement constructor with initializer list. More...
template<typename... Args>
constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result (std::in_place_index_t< 0 > inplace, Args &&... args)
 Emplacement constructor. More...
template<typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr result (std::in_place_index_t< 0 > inplace, std::initializer_list< U > init, Args &&... args)
 Emplacement constructor with initializer list. More...
template<typename... Args>
constexpr CONDITONALLY_EXPLICIT result (in_place_error_t inplace, Args &&... args)
 Error emplacement constructor. More...
template<typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr result (in_place_error_t inplace, std::initializer_list< U > init, Args &&... args)
 Error emplacement constructor with initializer list. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result (U &&value)
 Forwarding constructor. More...
template<typename U , typename V >
constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result (const result< U, V > &other)
 Converting copy constructor. More...
template<typename U , typename V >
constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result (result< U, V > &&other)
 Converting move constructor. More...
constexpr ~result () CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Destructor. More...
constexpr resultoperator= (const result &) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Copy assignment operator. More...
constexpr resultoperator= (result &&) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Move assignment operator. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr result< T, E > & operator= (U &&value)
 Value assignment operator. More...
constexpr operator bool () const noexcept
 Implicit conversion to bool. More...
constexpr bool has_value () const noexcept
 Returns true if the result contains an ok value. More...
constexpr bool is_ok () const noexcept
 Returns true if the result contains an ok value. More...
constexpr bool is_error () const noexcept
 Returns true if the result contains an error value. More...
constexpr reference operator* () &noexcept
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr const_reference operator* () const &noexcept
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr rvalue_reference operator* () &&
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr const_rvalue_reference operator* () const &&
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr pointer operator-> () noexcept
 Accesses members of the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr const_pointer operator-> () const noexcept
 Accesses members of the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr reference value () &
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr const_reference value () const &
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr rvalue_reference value () &&
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr rvalue_reference value () const &&
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr error_reference error () &noexcept
 Accesses the error value contained in the result. More...
constexpr error_const_reference error () const &noexcept
 Accesses the error value contained in the result. More...
constexpr error_rvalue_reference error () &&
 Accesses the error value contained in the result. More...
constexpr error_const_rvalue_reference error () const &&
 Accesses the error value contained in the result. More...
constexpr result< never, E > prop_error () const &
 Extracts the error in order to propagate it. More...
constexpr result< never, E > prop_error () &&
 Extracts the error in order to propagate it. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr value_type value_or (U &&default_value) const &
 Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr value_type value_or (U &&default_value) &&
 Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr value_type value_or_else (F &&f) const &
 Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr value_type value_or_else (F &&f) &&
 Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable. More...
constexpr reference ok () &
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr const_reference ok () const &
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr rvalue_reference ok () &&
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
constexpr rvalue_reference ok () const &&
 Accesses the ok value contained in the result. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr value_type ok_or (U &&default_value) const &
 Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error. More...
template<typename U >
constexpr value_type ok_or (U &&default_value) &&
 Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr value_type ok_or_else (F &&f) const &
 Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr value_type ok_or_else (F &&f) &&
 Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto and_then (F &&f) &
 Applies a callable to the contents of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto and_then (F &&f) const &
 Applies a callable to the contents of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto and_then (F &&f) &&
 Applies a callable to the contents of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto and_then (F &&f) const &&
 Applies a callable to the contents of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform (F &&f) &
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform (F &&f) const &
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform (F &&f) &&
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform (F &&f) const &&
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map (F &&f) &
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map (F &&f) const &
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map (F &&f) &&
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map (F &&f) const &&
 Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr result or_else (F &&f) const &
 Returns the result of invoking f if the result is an error. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr result or_else (F &&f) &&
 Returns the result of invoking f if the result is an error. More...
constexpr auto flatten () const &
 Converts result<result<T, E1>, E2> into result<T, E3> More...
constexpr auto flatten () &&
 Converts result<result<T, E1>, E2> into result<T, E3> More...
constexpr auto flatten_all () const &
 Converts nested result types into a single result. More...
constexpr auto flatten_all () &&
 Converts nested result types into a single result. More...
constexpr auto transpose () const &
 Converts result<option<T>, E> into option<result<T, E>> More...
constexpr auto transpose () &&
 Converts result<option<T>, E> into option<result<T, E>> More...
constexpr result< E, T > invert () const &
 Swaps the ok and error types of a result. More...
constexpr result< E, T > invert () &&
 Swaps the ok and error types of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform_error (F &&f) &
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform_error (F &&f) const &
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform_error (F &&f) &&
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto transform_error (F &&f) const &&
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map_error (F &&f) &
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map_error (F &&f) const &
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map_error (F &&f) &&
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto map_error (F &&f) const &&
 Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result. More...
constexpr result< reference, error_reference > ref () noexcept
 Converts a result reference into a result of references. More...
constexpr result< const_reference, error_const_reference > ref () const noexcept
 Converts a result reference into a result of references. More...
constexpr result< const_reference, error_const_reference > cref () const noexcept
 Converts a result reference into a result of references. More...
constexpr option< T > or_none () const &noexcept
 Discards error values and converts into an option. More...
constexpr option< T > or_none () &&
 Discards error values and converts into an option. More...
constexpr option< T > ok_or_none () const &noexcept
 Discards error values and converts into an option. More...
constexpr option< T > ok_or_none () &&
 Discards error values and converts into an option. More...
constexpr option< E > error_or_none () const &noexcept
 Discards ok value and converts into an option. More...
constexpr option< E > error_or_none () &&
 Discards ok value and converts into an option. More...
template<typename... Args>
constexpr reference emplace (Args &&... args)
 Constructs a new ok value in place into the result. More...
template<typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr reference emplace (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args)
 Constructs a new ok value in place into the result. More...
template<typename... Args>
constexpr error_reference emplace_error (Args &&... args)
 Constructs a new error value in place into the result. More...
template<typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr error_reference emplace_error (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args)
 Constructs a new error value in place into the result. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit (V &&visitor) &
 Invokes a visitor witht he contained value. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit (V &&visitor) const &
 Invokes a visitor witht he contained value. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit (V &&visitor) &&
 Invokes a visitor witht he contained value. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit (V &&visitor) const &&
 Invokes a visitor witht he contained value. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed (V &&visitor) &
 Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed (V &&visitor) const &
 Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed (V &&visitor) &&
 Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data. More...
template<typename V >
constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed (V &&visitor) const &&
 Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data. More...
constexpr void swap (result &other) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Swaps two result instances. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<size_t IDX, typename T , typename E >
constexpr REFERENCE get (result< T, E > &res)
 Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant. More...
template<size_t IDX, typename T , typename E >
constexpr CONST_REFERENCE get (const result< T, E > &res)
 Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant. More...
template<size_t IDX, typename T , typename E >
constexpr RVALUE_REFERENCE get (result< T, E > &&res)
 Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant. More...
template<size_t IDX, typename T , typename E >
constexpr CONST_RVALUE_REFERENCE get (const result< T, E > &&res)
 Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant. More...
template<typename U , typename T , typename E >
constexpr REFERENCE get (result< T, E > &res)
 Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant. More...
template<typename U , typename T , typename E >
constexpr CONST_REFERENCE get (const result< T, E > &res)
 Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant. More...
template<typename U , typename T , typename E >
constexpr RVALUE_REFERENCE get (result< T, E > &&res)
 Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant. More...
template<typename U , typename T , typename E >
constexpr CONST_RVALUE_REFERENCE get (const result< T, E > &&res)
 Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant. More...
template<typename T , typename E , typename U , typename V >
constexpr bool operator== (const result< T, E > &lhs, const result< U, V > &rhs)
 Compares two result instances for equality. More...
template<typename T , typename E , typename U >
constexpr bool operator== (const result< T, E > &lhs, const U &rhs)
 Compares a result with a plain value for equality. More...
template<typename T , typename E , typename U >
constexpr bool operator== (const U &lhs, const result< T, E > &rhs)
 Compares a result with a plain value for equality. More...
template<typename T , typename E >
constexpr void swap (result< T, E > &a, result< T, E > &b) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
 Swaps two result instances. More...
template<typename T , typename... Args>
constexpr result< T, neverok (Args &&... args)
 Creates an ok valued result, constructed in place. More...
template<typename T , typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr result< T, neverok (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args)
 Creates an ok valued result, constructed in place. More...
template<typename E , typename... Args>
constexpr result< never, E > error (Args &&... args)
 Creates an error valued result, constructed in place. More...
template<typename E , typename U , typename... Args>
constexpr result< never, E > error (std::initializer_list< U > ilist, Args &&... args)
 Creates an error valued result, constructed in place. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename E>
class sumty::result< T, E >

Type that contains an ok value, or an error.

result is a reimplementation of std::expected with several improvements. The key difference is that references (lvalue and rvalue) are can be used for both the value type and the error type, and void can be used for the error type (std::expected already allows void for the value type).

Internally, result<T, E> is represented as a variant<T, E>. Thus, result benefits from the size optimizations implemented by variant (see variant documentation for details). A couple special case result size examples are shown in the example below.

struct my_error {}; // NOTE: empty type
assert(sizeof(result<void, my_error>) == sizeof(bool));
assert(sizeof(result<int&, my_error>) == sizeof(int*));

In practice, the benefit of result over std::expected is that result can be used in more places, especially with generic code. A generic function (function template) that wants to be able to return a value of any type, but also allow that return value to instead communicate an error on failure can simply return a result<T, E>, where T is now allowed to be a reference or even void (and so is E, for that matter).

struct negative_number_error {};
// If value is negative, returns a negative_number_error. Otherwise,
// invokes func with the value as an argument and returns the result,
// even if the result is void or a reference.
template <typename F>
result<std::invoke_result_t<F>, negative_number_error>
call_if_non_negative(int value, F&& func) {
if (value < 0) {
return error<negative_number_error>();
// sumty::invoke needed to handle `void` return type
return invoke(std::forward<F>(func), value);

The power of result is also enhanced when used in combination with error_set. error_set makes it easy to represent a set of different error possibilities of different types in a single value, and simplifies error propagation when used with result. See the documentation of error_set for more details and examples.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ result() [1/12]

constexpr result ( )

Default constructor.

Initializes the result with a default constructed ok value.


result<int, std::string> res{};
assert(*res == 0);

◆ result() [2/12]

constexpr result ( const result< T, E > &  )

Copy constructor.

If the source result has an ok value, the new result is initialized with a copy constructed ok value. If the source result has an error value, the new result is initialized with a copy constructed error.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res1_copy{res1};
result<int, std::string> res2_copy{res2};
assert(*res1_copy == 42);
assert(res2_copy.error() == "oh no");

◆ result() [3/12]

constexpr result ( result< T, E > &&  )

Move constructor.

If the source result has an ok value, the new result is initialized with a move constructed ok value. If the source result has an error value, the new result is initialized with a move constructed error.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res1_copy{std::move(res1)};
result<int, std::string> res2_copy{std::move(res2)};
assert(*res1_copy == 42);
assert(res2_copy.error() == "oh no");

◆ result() [4/12]

constexpr CONDITONALLY_EXPLICIT result ( [[maybe_unused] ] std::in_place_t  inplace,
Args &&...  args 

Emplacement constructor.

The result is initialized such that an ok value is constructed in place from the forwarded arguments.

This constructor is explicit if inplace is the only argument.


result<std::string, std::string> res{std::in_place, 5, 'a'};
assert(*res == "aaaaa");

◆ result() [5/12]

constexpr result ( [[maybe_unused] ] std::in_place_t  inplace,
std::initializer_list< U >  init,
Args &&...  args 

Emplacement constructor with initializer list.

The result is initialized such that an ok value is constructed in place from the forwarded arguments.


result<std::vector<int>, std::string> res{
std::in_place, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}};
assert(res->size() == 5);

◆ result() [6/12]

constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result ( std::in_place_index_t< 0 >  inplace,
Args &&...  args 

Emplacement constructor.

The result is initialized such that an ok value is constructed in place from the forwarded arguments.

This constructor is explicit if inplace is the only argument.


result<std::string, std::string> res{std::in_place_index<0>, 5, 'a'};
assert(*res == "aaaaa");

◆ result() [7/12]

constexpr result ( std::in_place_index_t< 0 >  inplace,
std::initializer_list< U >  init,
Args &&...  args 

Emplacement constructor with initializer list.

The result is initialized such that an ok value is constructed in place from the forwarded arguments.


result<std::vector<int>, std::string> res{
std::in_place_index<0>, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}};
assert(res->size() == 5);

◆ result() [8/12]

constexpr CONDITONALLY_EXPLICIT result ( in_place_error_t  inplace,
Args &&...  args 

Error emplacement constructor.

The result is initialized such that an error value is constructed in place from the forwarded arguments.


result<void, std::string> res{in_place_error, 5, 'a'};
assert(res.error() == "aaaaa");

◆ result() [9/12]

constexpr result ( in_place_error_t  inplace,
std::initializer_list< U >  init,
Args &&...  args 

Error emplacement constructor with initializer list.

The result is initialized such that an error value is constructed in place from the forwarded arguments.


result<void, std::vector<int>> res{in_place_error, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}};
assert(res.error().size() == 5);

◆ result() [10/12]

constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result ( U &&  value)

Forwarding constructor.

The result is initialized such that it contains an ok value that is constructed in place from the forwarded value.

This constructor only participates in overload resolution if the ok value is constructible from the forwarded value, the forwarded value is not of type std::in_place_t, sumty::in_place_t, std::in_place_index_t<0>, sumty::in_place_index_t<0>, std::in_place_index_t<1>, sumty::in_place_index_t<1>, or sumty::in_place_error_t, and either the ok value type is a scalar or the forwarded value is not a result instance.

This constructor is explicit if the forwarded value is not implicitly convertible to T.


float value = 3.14;
result<int, std::string> res{value};
assert(*res == 3);
constexpr reference value() &
Accesses the ok value contained in the result.
Definition: result.hpp:853

◆ result() [11/12]

constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result ( const result< U, V > &  other)

Converting copy constructor.

This constructor converts a result with one pair of ok and error types into a

of a different pair of ok and error types. This constructor behaves much like the copy constructor, except that a type conversion may occur.

This constructor only particpates in overload resolution if the ok type T of the destination result is constructible from the ok type U of the source result, and the error type E of the destiantion result is constructible from the error type V of the source result.

This constructor is explicit if either U or V is not implicitly convertible to T or E, respectively.


result<float, const char*> res1{3.14};
result<float, const char*> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res3{res1};
result<int, std::string> res4{res2};
assert(*res3 == 3);
assert(res4.error() == "oh no");

◆ result() [12/12]

constexpr CONDITIONALLY_EXPLICIT result ( result< U, V > &&  other)

Converting move constructor.

This constructor converts a result with one pair of ok and error types into a

of a different pair of ok and error types. This constructor behaves much like the move constructor, except that a type conversion may occur.

This constructor only particpates in overload resolution if the ok type T of the destination result is constructible from the moved ok type U of the source result, and the error type E of the destiantion result is constructible from the move error type V of the source result.

This constructor is explicit if either U or V is not implicitly convertible to T or E, respectively.


result<float, const char*> res1{3.14};
result<float, const char*> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res3{std::move(res1)};
result<int, std::string> res4{std::move(res2)};
assert(*res3 == 3);
assert(res4.error() == "oh no");

◆ ~result()

constexpr ~result ( )


Destroys the contained value in place.

The desctructor is noexcept if both T and E are nothrow destructible.

Member Function Documentation

◆ and_then() [1/4]

constexpr auto and_then ( F &&  f) &

Applies a callable to the contents of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, the value is passed into the callable, and the result of invoking the callable is returned from this function. If the result contains an error, the callable is not invoked, and a copy of the error is returned.

This function only participates in overload resultion if the result of invoking the callable is a result.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{-42};
result<int, std::string> res3{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto callable = [](int value) -> result<unsigned int, const char*> {
if (value < 0) {
return error<const char*>("negaive value");
} else {
return static_cast<unsigned int>(value);
auto res1_new = res1.and_then(callable);
auto res2_new = res2.and_then(callable);
auto res3_new = res3.and_then(callable);
assert(*res1_new == 42);
assert(res2_new.error() == "negative value");
assert(res3_new.error() == "oh no");

◆ and_then() [2/4]

constexpr auto and_then ( F &&  f) &&

Applies a callable to the contents of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, the value is passed into the callable, and the result of invoking the callable is returned from this function. If the result contains an error, the callable is not invoked, the error is returned.

This function only participates in overload resultion if the result of invoking the callable is a result.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{-42};
result<int, std::string> res3{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto callable = [](int value) -> result<unsigned int, const char*> {
if (value < 0) {
return error<const char*>("negaive value");
} else {
return static_cast<unsigned int>(value);
auto res1_new = std::move(res1).and_then(callable);
auto res2_new = std::move(res2).and_then(callable);
auto res3_new = std::move(res3).and_then(callable);
assert(*res1_new == 42);
assert(res2_new.error() == "negative value");
assert(res3_new.error() == "oh no");

◆ and_then() [3/4]

constexpr auto and_then ( F &&  f) const &

Applies a callable to the contents of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, the value is passed into the callable, and the result of invoking the callable is returned from this function. If the result contains an error, the callable is not invoked, and a copy of the error is returned.

This function only participates in overload resultion if the result of invoking the callable is a result.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{-42};
const result<int, std::string> res3{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto callable = [](int value) -> result<unsigned int, const char*> {
if (value < 0) {
return error<const char*>("negaive value");
} else {
return static_cast<unsigned int>(value);
auto res1_new = res1.and_then(callable);
auto res2_new = res2.and_then(callable);
auto res3_new = res3.and_then(callable);
assert(*res1_new == 42);
assert(res2_new.error() == "negative value");
assert(res3_new.error() == "oh no");

◆ and_then() [4/4]

constexpr auto and_then ( F &&  f) const &&

Applies a callable to the contents of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, the value is passed into the callable, and the result of invoking the callable is returned from this function. If the result contains an error, the callable is not invoked, the error is returned.

This function only participates in overload resultion if the result of invoking the callable is a result.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{-42};
const result<int, std::string> res3{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto callable = [](int value) -> result<unsigned int, const char*> {
if (value < 0) {
return error<const char*>("negaive value");
} else {
return static_cast<unsigned int>(value);
auto res1_new = std::move(res1).and_then(callable);
auto res2_new = std::move(res2).and_then(callable);
auto res3_new = std::move(res3).and_then(callable);
assert(*res1_new == 42);
assert(res2_new.error() == "negative value");
assert(res3_new.error() == "oh no");

◆ cref()

constexpr result<const_reference, error_const_reference> cref ( ) const

Converts a result reference into a result of references.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<const int&, const std::string&> res1_ref = res1.cref();
result<const int&, const std::string&> ref2_ref = res2.cref();
assert(&*res1_ref == &*res1);
assert(&res2_ref.error() == &res2.error());

◆ emplace() [1/2]

constexpr reference emplace ( Args &&...  args)

Constructs a new ok value in place into the result.

The value previously contained in the result, ok or error, is destroyed in place. The new ok value is then constructed in place as if by placement new.


result<std::string, int> res1{in_place_error, 42};
result<std::string, int> res2{""};
res1.emplace(5, 'a');
res2.emplace(5, 'a');
assert(*res1 == "aaaaa");
assert(*res2 == "aaaaa");

◆ emplace() [2/2]

constexpr reference emplace ( std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Constructs a new ok value in place into the result.

The value previously contained in the result, ok or error, is destroyed in place. The new ok value is then constructed in place as if by placement new.


result<std::vector<int>, int> res1{in_place_error, 42};
result<std::vector<int>, int> res2{};
res1.emplace({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
res2.emplace({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
assert(res1->size() == 5);
assert(res2->size() == 5);

◆ emplace_error() [1/2]

constexpr error_reference emplace_error ( Args &&...  args)

Constructs a new error value in place into the result.

The value previously contained in the result, ok or error, is destroyed in place. The new error value is then constructed in place as if by placement new.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, ""};
res1.emplace_error(5, 'a');
res2.emplace_error(5, 'a');
assert(res1.error() == "aaaaa");
assert(res2.error() == "aaaaa");

◆ emplace_error() [2/2]

constexpr error_reference emplace_error ( std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Constructs a new error value in place into the result.

The value previously contained in the result, ok or error, is destroyed in place. The new error value is then constructed in place as if by placement new.


result<int, std::vector<int>> res1{42};
result<int, std::vector<int>> res2{in_place_error};
res1.emplace_error({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
res2.emplace_error({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
assert(res1.error().size() == 5);
assert(res2.error().size() == 5);

◆ error() [1/4]

constexpr error_rvalue_reference error ( ) &&

Accesses the error value contained in the result.

This function does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this function when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


result<int, std::string> res{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(std::move(res).error() == "oh no");
constexpr error_reference error() &noexcept
Accesses the error value contained in the result.
Definition: result.hpp:957

◆ error() [2/4]

constexpr error_reference error ( ) &

Accesses the error value contained in the result.

This function does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this function when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


result<int, std::string> res{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res.error() == "oh no");

◆ error() [3/4]

constexpr error_const_rvalue_reference error ( ) const &&

Accesses the error value contained in the result.

This function does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this function when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


const result<int, std::string> res{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(std::move(res).error() == "oh no");

◆ error() [4/4]

constexpr error_const_reference error ( ) const &

Accesses the error value contained in the result.

This function does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this function when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


const result<int, std::string> res{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res.error() == "oh no");

◆ error_or_none() [1/2]

constexpr option<E> error_or_none ( ) &&

Discards ok value and converts into an option.

If the result contains an error value, that value is returned wrapped in an option. If the result contains an ok value, none is returned.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
option<std::string> opt1 = res1.error_or_none();
option<std::string> opt2 = res2.error_or_none();
assert(*opt2 == "oh no");

◆ error_or_none() [2/2]

constexpr option<E> error_or_none ( ) const &

Discards ok value and converts into an option.

If the result contains an error value, a copy of that value is returned wrapped in an option. If the result contains an ok value, none is returned.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
option<std::string> opt1 = res1.error_or_none();
option<std::string> opt2 = res2.error_or_none();
assert(*opt2 == "oh no");

◆ flatten() [1/2]

constexpr auto flatten ( ) &&

Converts result<result<T, E1>, E2> into result<T, E3>

If the outer result contains an error, that error is returned. If the outer result contains an ok value, and the inner result contains an error, that inner error is returned. If the outer result contains an ok value and the inner result contains an ok value, that inner ok value is returned.

If the outer result and the inner result have different error types, the returned result will be one of these two types based on the following priority rules:

  1. If the outer error type is void, use the inner error type
  2. Else, if the inner error type is void, use the outer error type
  3. Else, if the outer error type is constructible from the inner error type, use the outer error type.
  4. Else, if the inner error type is constructible from the outer error type, use the inner error type.

Note that only one level of result is removed. For example, a result<result<result<T, E>, E>, E> will flatten to a result<result<T, E>, E>.


result<result<int, const char*>, std::string> res1{in_place, 42};
result<result<int, const char*>, std::string> res2{
in_place, in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<result<int, const char*>, std::string> res3{
in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res1_flat = std::move(res1).flatten();
result<int, std::string> res2_flat = std::move(res2).flatten();
result<int, std::string> res3_flat = std::move(res3).flatten();
assert(*res1_flat == 42);
assert(res2_flat.error() == "oh no");
assert(res3_flat.error() == "oh no");

◆ flatten() [2/2]

constexpr auto flatten ( ) const &

Converts result<result<T, E1>, E2> into result<T, E3>

If the outer result contains an error, a copy of that error is returned. If the outer result contains an ok value, and the inner result contains an error, a copy of that inner error is returned. If the outer result contains an ok value and the inner result contains an ok value, a copy of that inner ok value is returned.

If the outer result and the inner result have different error types, the returned result will be one of these two types based on the following priority rules:

  1. If the outer error type is void, use the inner error type
  2. Else, if the inner error type is void, use the outer error type
  3. Else, if the outer error type is constructible from the inner error type, use the outer error type.
  4. Else, if the inner error type is constructible from the outer error type, use the inner error type.

Note that only one level of result is removed. For example, a result<result<result<T, E>, E>, E> will flatten to a result<result<T, E>, E>.


result<result<int, const char*>, std::string> res1{in_place, 42};
result<result<int, const char*>, std::string> res2{
in_place, in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<result<int, const char*>, std::string> res3{
in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res1_flat = res1.flatten();
result<int, std::string> res2_flat = res2.flatten();
result<int, std::string> res3_flat = res3.flatten();
assert(*res1_flat == 42);
assert(res2_flat.error() == "oh no");
assert(res3_flat.error() == "oh no");

◆ flatten_all() [1/2]

constexpr auto flatten_all ( ) &&

Converts nested result types into a single result.

Like flatten, this function removes nested layers of result, such as converting result<result<T, E>, E> into result<T, E>. However, unlike flatten, this function removes all layers of nesting and works for unnested result types. For example, result<result<result<T, E>, E, E> is converted directly to result<T, E>, and for result<T, E>, where T is not a result type, no layers of result are removed.


using nested_result_t =
result<result<result<int, std::string>, std::string, std::string>;
nested_result_t res1{in_place, in_place, in_place, 42};
nested_result_t res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
nested_result_t res3{in_place, in_place_error, "oh no"};
nested_result_t res4{in_place, in_place, in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res1_flat = std::move(res1).flatten_all();
result<int, std::string> res2_flat = std::move(res2).flatten_all();
result<int, std::string> res3_flat = std::move(res3).flatten_all();
result<int, std::string> res4_flat = std::move(res4).flatten_all();
assert(*res1_flat == 42);
assert(res2_flat.error() == "oh no");
assert(res3_flat.error() == "oh no");
assert(res3_flat.error() == "oh no");

◆ flatten_all() [2/2]

constexpr auto flatten_all ( ) const &

Converts nested result types into a single result.

Like flatten, this function removes nested layers of result, such as converting result<result<T, E>, E> into result<T, E>. However, unlike flatten, this function removes all layers of nesting and works for unnested result types. For example, result<result<result<T, E>, E, E> is converted directly to result<T, E>, and for result<T, E>, where T is not a result type, no layers of result are removed.


using nested_result_t =
result<result<result<int, std::string>, std::string, std::string>;
nested_result_t res1{in_place, in_place, in_place, 42};
nested_result_t res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
nested_result_t res3{in_place, in_place_error, "oh no"};
nested_result_t res4{in_place, in_place, in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res1_flat = res1.flatten_all();
result<int, std::string> res2_flat = res2.flatten_all();
result<int, std::string> res3_flat = res3.flatten_all();
result<int, std::string> res4_flat = res4.flatten_all();
assert(*res1_flat == 42);
assert(res2_flat.error() == "oh no");
assert(res3_flat.error() == "oh no");
assert(res3_flat.error() == "oh no");

◆ has_value()

constexpr bool has_value ( ) const

Returns true if the result contains an ok value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{error<std::string>("oh no")};

◆ invert() [1/2]

constexpr result<E, T> invert ( ) &&

Swaps the ok and error types of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the ok value will be returned as an error. If the result contains an error value, the error value will be returned as an ok value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<std::string, int> res1_inv = std::move(res1).invert();
result<std::string, int> res2_inv = std::move(res2).invert();
assert(res1_inv.error() == 42);
assert(*res2_inv == "oh no");

◆ invert() [2/2]

constexpr result<E, T> invert ( ) const &

Swaps the ok and error types of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the ok value will be returned as an error. If the result contains an error value, the error value will be returned as an ok value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<std::string, int> res1_inv = res1.invert();
result<std::string, int> res2_inv = res2.invert();
assert(res1_inv.error() == 42);
assert(*res2_inv == "oh no");

◆ is_error()

constexpr bool is_error ( ) const

Returns true if the result contains an error value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{error<std::string>("oh no")};

◆ is_ok()

constexpr bool is_ok ( ) const

Returns true if the result contains an ok value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{error<std::string>("oh no")};

◆ map() [1/4]

constexpr auto map ( F &&  f) &

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, a copy of the error is returned.

Note that this function is idential to transform, but the name map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped =[](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped =[](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map() [2/4]

constexpr auto map ( F &&  f) &&

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, the error is returned.

Note that this function is idential to transform, but the name map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).map([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).map([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map() [3/4]

constexpr auto map ( F &&  f) const &

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, a copy of the error is returned.

Note that this function is idential to transform, but the name map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped =[](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped =[](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map() [4/4]

constexpr auto map ( F &&  f) const &&

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, the error is returned.

Note that this function is idential to transform, but the name map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).map([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).map([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map_error() [1/4]

constexpr auto map_error ( F &&  f) &

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to transform_error, but the name map_error is more typical for this sort of monadic operation outside of C++.


result<void, int> res1{};
result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = res1.map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = res2.map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map_error() [2/4]

constexpr auto map_error ( F &&  f) &&

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to transform_error, but the name map_error is more typical for this sort of monadic operation outside of C++.


result<void, int> res1{};
result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map_error() [3/4]

constexpr auto map_error ( F &&  f) const &

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to transform_error, but the name map_error is more typical for this sort of monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<void, int> res1{};
const result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = res1.map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = res2.map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ map_error() [4/4]

constexpr auto map_error ( F &&  f) const &&

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to transform_error, but the name map_error is more typical for this sort of monadic operation outside of C++.


result<void, int> res1{};
result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).map_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ ok() [1/4]

constexpr reference ok ( ) &

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(res.ok() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ ok() [2/4]

constexpr rvalue_reference ok ( ) &&

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(std::move(res).ok() == 42);
constexpr reference ok() &
Accesses the ok value contained in the result.
Definition: result.hpp:1175
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ ok() [3/4]

constexpr const_reference ok ( ) const &

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


const result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(res.ok() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ ok() [4/4]

constexpr rvalue_reference ok ( ) const &&

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


const result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(std::move(res).ok() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ ok_or() [1/2]

constexpr value_type ok_or ( U &&  default_value) &&

Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error.

If the result contains an ok value, that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error value, the provided default value is forwarded, cast, and returned as by the following: static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(default_value)).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(std::move(res1).ok_or(0) == 42);
assert(std::move(res2).ok_or(0) == 0);
constexpr value_type ok_or(U &&default_value) const &
Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error.
Definition: result.hpp:1248

◆ ok_or() [2/2]

constexpr value_type ok_or ( U &&  default_value) const &

Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error value, the provided default value is forwarded, cast, and returned as by the following: static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(default_value)).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res1.ok_or(0) == 42);
assert(res2.ok_or(0) == 0);

◆ ok_or_else() [1/2]

constexpr value_type ok_or_else ( F &&  f) &&

Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error, the provided callable is invoked and the result is cast and returned, as if by: static_cast<T>(std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f))).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(std::move(res1).ok_or_else([] { return 0; }) == 42);
assert(std::move(res2).ok_or_else({] { return 0; }) == 0);
constexpr value_type ok_or_else(F &&f) const &
Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable.
Definition: result.hpp:1292

◆ ok_or_else() [2/2]

constexpr value_type ok_or_else ( F &&  f) const &

Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error, the provided callable is invoked and the result is cast and returned, as if by: static_cast<T>(std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f))).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res1.ok_or_else([] { return 0; }) == 42);
assert(res2.ok_or_else({] { return 0; }) == 0);

◆ ok_or_none() [1/2]

constexpr option<T> ok_or_none ( ) &&

Discards error values and converts into an option.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is returned wrapped in an option. If the result contains an error, none is returned.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
option<int> opt1 = std::move(res1).ok_or_none();
option<int> opt2 = std::move(res2).ok_or_none();
assert(*opt1 == 42);

◆ ok_or_none() [2/2]

constexpr option<T> ok_or_none ( ) const &

Discards error values and converts into an option.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that value is returned wrapped in an option. If the result contains an error, none is returned.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
option<int> opt1 = res1.ok_or_none();
option<int> opt2 = res2.ok_or_none();
assert(*opt1 == 42);

◆ operator bool()

constexpr operator bool ( ) const

Implicit conversion to bool.

This implicit conversion allows a result to be used directly in a condition to check if the result contains an ok value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2 = error<std::string>("oh no");
if (res1) {
assert(*res1 == 42);
} else {
if (res2) {
} else {
assert(res2.error() == "oh no");

◆ operator*() [1/4]

constexpr rvalue_reference operator* ( ) &&

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This operator does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this operator when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(*std::move(res) == 42);

◆ operator*() [2/4]

constexpr reference operator* ( ) &

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This operator does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this operator when the result contains and error results in undefined behavior.


result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(*res == 42);

◆ operator*() [3/4]

constexpr const_rvalue_reference operator* ( ) const &&

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This operator does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this operator when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


const result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(*std::move(res) == 42);

◆ operator*() [4/4]

constexpr const_reference operator* ( ) const &

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This operator does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this operator when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


const result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(*res == 42);

◆ operator->() [1/2]

constexpr const_pointer operator-> ( ) const

Accesses members of the ok value contained in the result.

This operator does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this operator when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


const result<std::string, int> res{"hello"};
assert(res->size() == 5);

◆ operator->() [2/2]

constexpr pointer operator-> ( )

Accesses members of the ok value contained in the result.

This operator does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this operator when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


result<std::string, int> res{"hello"};
assert(res->size() == 5);

◆ operator=() [1/3]

constexpr result& operator= ( const result< T, E > &  )

Copy assignment operator.

The destination result is reassigned such that it will now contain a copy of the contained value of the source result, which may be either the ok type or the error type.

If both the source and destination contain the ok type, or both contain the error type, the values are copy assigned directly. Otherwise, the old value in the destination is destroyed and the new value is copy constructed.

This function is noexcept if both T and E are all of the following:

  • Nothrow copy assignable
  • Nothrow copy constructible
  • Nothrow destructible


result<float, const char*> res1{3.14};
result<float, const char*> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res3{};
result<int, std::string> res4{};
res3 = res1;
res4 = res2;
assert(*res3 == 3);
assert(res4.error() == "oh no");

◆ operator=() [2/3]

constexpr result& operator= ( result< T, E > &&  )

Move assignment operator.

The destination result is reassigned such that it will now contain the moved contained value of the source result, which may be either the ok type or the error type.

If both the source and destination contain the ok type, or both contain the error type, the values are move assigned directly. Otherwise, the old value in the destination is destroyed and the new value is move constructed.

This function is noexcept if both T and E are all of the following:

  • Nothrow move assignable
  • Nothrow move constructible
  • Nothrow destructible


result<float, const char*> res1{3.14};
result<float, const char*> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int, std::string> res3{};
result<int, std::string> res4{};
res3 = std::move(res1);
res4 = std::move(res2);
assert(*res3 == 3);
assert(res4.error() == "oh no");

◆ operator=() [3/3]

constexpr result<T, E>& operator= ( U &&  value)

Value assignment operator.

Sets the result to contain the forwarded ok value, converted to T. If the result already contains an ok value, the forwarded value is assigned directly to the contained value. Otherwise, the error type is destroyed, and the ok type is constructed from the forwarded value.

This function only participates in overload resolution if:

  • The source value is not a result
  • T is constructible from U
  • T is assignable from U


result<int, std::string> res{};
res = 3.14;
assert(*res == 3);

◆ or_else() [1/2]

constexpr result or_else ( F &&  f) &&

Returns the result of invoking f if the result is an error.

If the result contains an ok value, the entire result is returned. If the result contains an error value, f is invoked with the error value as an argument, and the returned value from invoking f is returned from this function, converting to result<T, E> if necessary.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_new = std::move(res1).or_else([]([[maybe_unused]] auto err) {
return 0;
auto res2_new = std::move(res2).or_else([]([[maybe_unused]] auto err) {
return 0;
assert(*res1_new == 42);
assert(*res2_new == 0);

◆ or_else() [2/2]

constexpr result or_else ( F &&  f) const &

Returns the result of invoking f if the result is an error.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the entire result is returned. If the result contains an error value, f is invoked with the error value as an argument, and the returned value from invoking f is returned from this function, converting to result<T, E> if necessary.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_new = res1.or_else([]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& err) {
return 0;
auto res2_new = res2.or_else([]([[maybe_unused]] const auto& err) {
return 0;
assert(*res1_new == 42);
assert(*res2_new == 0);

◆ or_none() [1/2]

constexpr option<T> or_none ( ) &&

Discards error values and converts into an option.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is returned wrapped in an option. If the result contains an error, none is returned.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
option<int> opt1 = std::move(res1).or_none();
option<int> opt2 = std::move(res2).or_none();
assert(*opt1 == 42);

◆ or_none() [2/2]

constexpr option<T> or_none ( ) const &

Discards error values and converts into an option.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that value is returned wrapped in an option. If the result contains an error, none is returned.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
option<int> opt1 = res1.or_none();
option<int> opt2 = res2.or_none();
assert(*opt1 == 42);

◆ prop_error() [1/2]

constexpr result<never, E> prop_error ( ) &&

Extracts the error in order to propagate it.

This function returns the error value by itself. This value can then be converted into a different result type for the purpose of propagating the error.

This function does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this function when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


result<void, std::string> func() {
result<int, std::string> res{in_place_error, "oh no"};
return std::move(res).prop_error();

◆ prop_error() [2/2]

constexpr result<never, E> prop_error ( ) const &

Extracts the error in order to propagate it.

This function returns the error value by itself. This value can then be converted into a different result type for the purpose of propagating the error.

This function does not check if the result contains an ok value. Use of this function when the result contains an error results in undefined behavior.


result<void, std::string> func() {
result<int, std::string> res{in_place_error, "oh no"};
return res.prop_error();

◆ ref() [1/2]

constexpr result<const_reference, error_const_reference> ref ( ) const

Converts a result reference into a result of references.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<const int&, const std::string&> res1_ref = res1.ref();
result<const int&, const std::string&> ref2_ref = res2.ref();
assert(&*res1_ref == &*res1);
assert(&res2_ref.error() == &res2.error());

◆ ref() [2/2]

constexpr result<reference, error_reference> ref ( )

Converts a result reference into a result of references.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
result<int&, std::string&> res1_ref = res1.ref();
result<int&, std::string&> ref2_ref = res2.ref();
assert(&*res1_ref == &*res1);
assert(&res2_ref.error() == &res2.error());

◆ swap()

constexpr void swap ( result< T, E > &  other)

Swaps two result instances.

If both result instances contain an ok value or both contain an error value, the values are swapped directly. If the two result instances do not contain the same kind of value, the values are moved out of the results temporarily, the old values are destroyed, and new values a move constructed in to the opposite result.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res1.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2 == 42);

◆ transform() [1/4]

constexpr auto transform ( F &&  f) &

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, a copy of the error is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map, but the name transform makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped = res1.transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = res2.transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform() [2/4]

constexpr auto transform ( F &&  f) &&

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, the error is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map, but the name transform makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform() [3/4]

constexpr auto transform ( F &&  f) const &

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, a copy of the error is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map, but the name transform makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped = res1.transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = res2.transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform() [4/4]

constexpr auto transform ( F &&  f) const &&

Perforams a transformation on the ok value of a result.

If the result contains an ok value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the ok value of a new result, where ok type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an error value, the error is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map, but the name transform makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map is the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).transform([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(res1_mapped.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform_error() [1/4]

constexpr auto transform_error ( F &&  f) &

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map_error, but the name transform_error makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map_error would be the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


result<void, int> res1{};
result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = res1.transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = res2.transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform_error() [2/4]

constexpr auto transform_error ( F &&  f) &&

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map_error, but the name transform_error makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map_error would be the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


result<void, int> res1{};
result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform_error() [3/4]

constexpr auto transform_error ( F &&  f) const &

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, a copy of the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map_error, but the name transform_error makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map_error would be the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<void, int> res1{};
const result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = res1.transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = res2.transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transform_error() [4/4]

constexpr auto transform_error ( F &&  f) const &&

Perforams a transformation on the error value of a result.

If the result contains an error value, that value is passed to the transformation callable provided. The value returned from the callable is then returned from this function as the error value of a new result, where the error type of the new result is the exact type returned from the callable. If the result contains an ok value, the ok value is returned.

Note that this function is identical to map_error, but the name transform_error makes result able to be a drop in replacement for std::expected. map_error would be the more typical name of this monadic operation outside of C++.


const result<void, int> res1{};
const result<void, int> res2{in_place_error, 42};
auto res1_mapped = std::move(res1).transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
auto res2_mapped = std::move(res2).transform_error([](auto value) {
return std::to_string(value);
assert(*res2_mapped == "42");

◆ transpose() [1/2]

constexpr auto transpose ( ) &&

Converts result<option<T>, E> into option<result<T, E>>

If the result contains an error, the return value will be a option that contains a result that contains an error. If the result contains an option that contains a value, the return value will be a option that contains result that contains an ok value. If the result contains a option that is none, the return value will be an option that is none.

This function only participates in overload resolution of T is an option.


result<option<int>, std::string> val1{42};
result<option<int>, std::string> val2{none};
result<option<int>, std::string> val3{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto val1_trans = std::move(val1).transpose();
auto val2_trans = std::move(val2).transpose();
auto val3_trans = std::move(val3).transpose();
assert(**val1_trans == 42);
assert(val3_trans->error() == "oh no");

◆ transpose() [2/2]

constexpr auto transpose ( ) const &

Converts result<option<T>, E> into option<result<T, E>>

If the result contains an error, the return value will be a option that contains a result that contains an error. If the result contains an option that contains a value, the return value will be a option that contains result that contains an ok value. If the result contains a option that is none, the return value will be an option that is none.

This function only participates in overload resolution of T is an option.


result<option<int>, std::string> val1{42};
result<option<int>, std::string> val2{none};
result<option<int>, std::string> val3{in_place_error, "oh no"};
auto val1_trans = val1.transpose();
auto val2_trans = val2.transpose();
auto val3_trans = val3.transpose();
assert(**val1_trans == 42);
assert(val3_trans->error() == "oh no");

◆ value() [1/4]

constexpr reference value ( ) &

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(res.value() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ value() [2/4]

constexpr rvalue_reference value ( ) &&

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(std::move(res).value() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ value() [3/4]

constexpr const_reference value ( ) const &

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


const result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(res.value() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ value() [4/4]

constexpr rvalue_reference value ( ) const &&

Accesses the ok value contained in the result.

This function first checks if the result contains an ok value before attempting to access the value. If the result contains an error, then this function throws an exception.


const result<int, std::string> res{42};
assert(std::move(res).value() == 42);
bad_result_accessThrown if the result contains an error

◆ value_or() [1/2]

constexpr value_type value_or ( U &&  default_value) &&

Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error.

If the result contains an ok value, that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error value, the provided default value is forwarded, cast, and returned as by the following: static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(default_value)).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(std::move(res1).value_or(0) == 42);
assert(std::move(res2).value_or(0) == 0);
constexpr value_type value_or(U &&default_value) const &
Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error.
Definition: result.hpp:1074

◆ value_or() [2/2]

constexpr value_type value_or ( U &&  default_value) const &

Gets the ok value, or a default if the result is an error.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error value, the provided default value is forwarded, cast, and returned as by the following: static_cast<T>(std::forward<U>(default_value)).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res1.value_or(0) == 42);
assert(res2.value_or(0) == 0);

◆ value_or_else() [1/2]

constexpr value_type value_or_else ( F &&  f) &&

Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error, the provided callable is invoked and the result is cast and returned, as if by: static_cast<T>(std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f))).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(std::move(res1).value_or_else([] { return 0; }) == 42);
assert(std::move(res2).value_or_else({] { return 0; }) == 0);
constexpr value_type value_or_else(F &&f) const &
Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable.
Definition: result.hpp:1126

◆ value_or_else() [2/2]

constexpr value_type value_or_else ( F &&  f) const &

Gets the ok value, or returns the result of a callable.

If the result contains an ok value, a copy of that ok value is returned. If the result contains an error, the provided callable is invoked and the result is cast and returned, as if by: static_cast<T>(std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f))).


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res1.value_or_else([] { return 0; }) == 42);
assert(res2.value_or_else({] { return 0; }) == 0);

◆ visit() [1/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit ( V &&  visitor) &

Invokes a visitor witht he contained value.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visiotr inline.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
res1.visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
assert(ok_val == 42);
}, [](std::string& err_val) {
res2.visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
}, [](std::string& err_val) {
assert(err_val == "oh no");

◆ visit() [2/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit ( V &&  visitor) &&

Invokes a visitor witht he contained value.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visiotr inline.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
std::move(res1).visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
assert(ok_val == 42);
}, [](std::string err_val) {
std::move(res2).visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
}, [](std::string err_val) {
assert(err_val == "oh no");

◆ visit() [3/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit ( V &&  visitor) const &

Invokes a visitor witht he contained value.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visiotr inline.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
res1.visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
assert(ok_val == 42);
}, [](const std::string& err_val) {
res2.visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
}, [](const std::string& err_val) {
assert(err_val == "oh no");

◆ visit() [4/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit ( V &&  visitor) const &&

Invokes a visitor witht he contained value.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visiotr inline.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
std::move(res1).visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
assert(ok_val == 42);
}, [](std::string err_val) {
std::move(res2).visit(overload([](int ok_val) {
}, [](std::string err_val) {
assert(err_val == "oh no");

◆ visit_informed() [1/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed ( V &&  visitor) &

Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Unlike visit, this function also passes an extra meta data value when invoking the visitor. This meta data object provides constexpr information about the type and index of the value being visited. The ok value has index 0 and the error value has index 1. This object has the the API shown below.

struct alternative_info {
// index of the alternative (ok == 0, error == 1)
static inline constexpr size_t index = ...;
// type of the alternative (ok == T, error == E)
using type = ...;
// helper function for forwarding non-const alternative values
// without needing to provide a template argument.
static constexpr decltype(auto) forward(...);
constexpr size_t index() const noexcept
Gets the index of the contained alternative.
Definition: variant.hpp:825

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visitor inline.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
res1.visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
assert(value == 42);
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
res2.visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
assert(value == "oh no");

◆ visit_informed() [2/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed ( V &&  visitor) &&

Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Unlike visit, this function also passes an extra meta data value when invoking the visitor. This meta data object provides constexpr information about the type and index of the value being visited. The ok value has index 0 and the error value has index 1. This object has the the API shown below.

struct alternative_info {
// index of the alternative (ok == 0, error == 1)
static inline constexpr size_t index = ...;
// type of the alternative (ok == T, error == E)
using type = ...;
// helper function for forwarding non-const alternative values
// without needing to provide a template argument.
static constexpr decltype(auto) forward(...);

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visitor inline.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
std::move(res1).visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
assert(value == 42);
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
std::move(res2).visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
assert(value == "oh no");

◆ visit_informed() [3/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed ( V &&  visitor) const &

Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Unlike visit, this function also passes an extra meta data value when invoking the visitor. This meta data object provides constexpr information about the type and index of the value being visited. The ok value has index 0 and the error value has index 1. This object has the the API shown below.

struct alternative_info {
// index of the alternative (ok == 0, error == 1)
static inline constexpr size_t index = ...;
// type of the alternative (ok == T, error == E)
using type = ...;
// helper function for forwarding non-const alternative values
// without needing to provide a template argument.
static constexpr decltype(auto) forward(...);

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visitor inline.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
res1.visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
assert(value == 42);
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
res2.visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
assert(value == "oh no");

◆ visit_informed() [4/4]

constexpr DEDUCED visit_informed ( V &&  visitor) const &&

Invokes a visitor with the contained value and meta data.

This function treats a result as if it was a variant of T and E (i.e. variant<T, E>). If the result contians an ok value, that value is passed to the visitor. If the result contains an error, the error is passed to the visitor. When either T or E are void, an instance of void_t is passed instead.

Unlike visit, this function also passes an extra meta data value when invoking the visitor. This meta data object provides constexpr information about the type and index of the value being visited. The ok value has index 0 and the error value has index 1. This object has the the API shown below.

struct alternative_info {
// index of the alternative (ok == 0, error == 1)
static inline constexpr size_t index = ...;
// type of the alternative (ok == T, error == E)
using type = ...;
// helper function for forwarding non-const alternative values
// without needing to provide a template argument.
static constexpr decltype(auto) forward(...);

Note that the overload function can be helpful for defining a visitor inline.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
std::move(res1).visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
assert(value == 42);
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
std::move(res2).visit_informed([](auto&& value, auto info) {
if constexpr (info.index == 0) { // ok
} else if constexpr (info.index == 1) { // error
assert(value == "oh no");

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ error() [1/2]

constexpr result< never, E > error ( Args &&...  args)

Creates an error valued result, constructed in place.

Similar to STL functions like std::make_unique and std::make_optional, this function is provided a template argument to specify what contained error type should be constructed, and then is passed arguments that are forwarded to the constructor of the contained error type.


result<void, std::string> ensure_positive(int value) {
if (value < 0) {
return error<std::string>("value is negative");
return value;

◆ error() [2/2]

constexpr result< never, E > error ( std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Creates an error valued result, constructed in place.

Similar to STL functions like std::make_unique and std::make_optional, this function is provided a template argument to specify what contained error type should be constructed, and then is passed arguments that are forwarded to the constructor of the contained error type.


result<void, std::vector<int>> ilist_error_example() {
// returns a result<never, std::vector<int>> which gets converted
// to a result<void, std::vector<int>>
return error<std::vector<int>>({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});

◆ get() [1/8]

constexpr CONST_RVALUE_REFERENCE get ( const result< T, E > &&  res)

Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant.

This function is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>, where index 0 is T and index 1 is E.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<0>(std::move(res1)) == 42);
assert(get<1>(std::move(res2)) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
IDXThe "alternative" index
resThe result to access
A const rvalue of the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [2/8]

constexpr CONST_RVALUE_REFERENCE get ( const result< T, E > &&  res)

Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant.

This fucntion is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>.

This function only participates in overload resolution if T and E are distinct types, in order to avoid ambiguity.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<int>(std::move(res1)) == 42);
assert(get<std::string>(std::move(res2)) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
UThe "alternative" type
resThe result to access
A const rvalue of the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [3/8]

constexpr CONST_REFERENCE get ( const result< T, E > &  res)

Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant.

This function is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>, where index 0 is T and index 1 is E.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<0>(res1) == 42);
assert(get<1>(res2) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
IDXThe "alternative" index
resThe result to access
A const reference to the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [4/8]

constexpr CONST_REFERENCE get ( const result< T, E > &  res)

Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant.

This fucntion is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>.

This function only participates in overload resolution if T and E are distinct types, in order to avoid ambiguity.


const result<int, std::string> res1{42};
const result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<int>(res1) == 42);
assert(get<std::string>(res2) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
UThe "alternative" type
resThe result to access
A const reference to the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [5/8]

constexpr RVALUE_REFERENCE get ( result< T, E > &&  res)

Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant.

This function is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>, where index 0 is T and index 1 is E.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<0>(std::move(res1)) == 42);
assert(get<1>(std::move(res2)) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
IDXThe "alternative" index
resThe result to access
An rvalue of the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [6/8]

constexpr RVALUE_REFERENCE get ( result< T, E > &&  res)

Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant.

This fucntion is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>.

This function only participates in overload resolution if T and E are distinct types, in order to avoid ambiguity.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<int>(std::move(res1)) == 42);
assert(get<std::string>(std::move(res2)) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
UThe "alternative" type
resThe result to access
An rvalue of the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [7/8]

constexpr REFERENCE get ( result< T, E > &  res)

Gets a result value by index, as if it were a variant.

This function is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>, where index 0 is T and index 1 is E.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<0>(res1) == 42);
assert(get<1>(res2) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
IDXThe "alternative" index
resThe result to access
A reference to the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ get() [8/8]

constexpr REFERENCE get ( result< T, E > &  res)

Gets a result value by type, as if it were a variant.

This fucntion is provided to make result generically compatible with variant. This function treats result<T, E> as if it were variant<T, E>.

This function only participates in overload resolution if T and E are distinct types, in order to avoid ambiguity.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(get<int>(res1) == 42);
assert(get<std::string>(res2) == "oh no");
Template Parameters
UThe "alternative" type
resThe result to access
A reference to the accessed "alternative"
bad_result_accessThrown if the result does not contain the matching index.

◆ ok() [1/2]

constexpr result< T, never > ok ( Args &&...  args)

Creates an ok valued result, constructed in place.

Similar to STL functions like std::make_unique and std::make_optional, this function is provided a template argument to specify what contained type should be constructed, and then is passed arguments that are forwarded to the constructor of the contained type.


result<std::string, void> make_string() {
// returns a result<std::string, never> which gets converted to
// a result<std::string, void>
return ok<std::string>("hello");

◆ ok() [2/2]

constexpr result< T, never > ok ( std::initializer_list< U >  ilist,
Args &&...  args 

Creates an ok valued result, constructed in place.

Similar to STL functions like std::make_unique and std::make_optional, this function is provided a template argument to specify what contained type should be constructed, and then is passed arguments that are forwarded to the constructor of the contained type.


result<std::vector<int>, void> make_nums() {
// returns a result<std::vector<int>, never> which gets converted
// to a result<std::vector<int>, void>
return ok<std::vector<int>>({1, 2, 3, 4, 5});

◆ operator==() [1/3]

constexpr bool operator== ( const result< T, E > &  lhs,
const result< U, V > &  rhs 

Compares two result instances for equality.

Returns true if both result instances either both contain ok values or both contain error values, and the values compare equal.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<unsigned int, const char*> res2{42};
assert(res1 == res2);

◆ operator==() [2/3]

constexpr bool operator== ( const result< T, E > &  lhs,
const U &  rhs 

Compares a result with a plain value for equality.

This function return true if the result contains an ok value and the ok value compares equal with the plain value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(res1 == 42);
assert(res2 != 42);

◆ operator==() [3/3]

constexpr bool operator== ( const U &  lhs,
const result< T, E > &  rhs 

Compares a result with a plain value for equality.

This function return true if the result contains an ok value and the ok value compares equal with the plain value.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
assert(42 == res1);
assert(42 != res2);

◆ swap()

constexpr void swap ( result< T, E > &  a,
result< T, E > &  b 

Swaps two result instances.

If both result instances contain an ok value or both contain an error value, the values are swapped directly. If the two result instances do not contain the same kind of value, the values are moved out of the results temporarily, the old values are destroyed, and new values a move constructed in to the opposite result.


result<int, std::string> res1{42};
result<int, std::string> res2{in_place_error, "oh no"};
swap(res1, res2);
assert(res1.error() == "oh no");
assert(*res2 == 42);
constexpr void swap(result &other) CONDITIONALLY_NOEXCEPT
Swaps two result instances.
Definition: result.hpp:3778

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